I think I'm going to spend the day in pajamas. It's cold and very windy outside. I wanted to rake, badly need to rake, but it's nasty out there.

It would be a great day to work on my Christmas cards. To watch a marathon of Brothers and Sisters. Cook something good. So, those are the woulds and shoulds. I'll write later and let you know what I really did.
You are not one to be forgotten!
I had a stay at home day yesterday cleaned and watched movies, etc. Never left the house. It poured all day long. Good to have those stay at home days once in a while!
It IS nasty out there today. We've got two fires going. Melissa went home today so we're just getting the house back to normal. Thinking of going to CVS (I have a 25% off coupon!) and then back to read in front of the fire.
Like anyone could forget you!
Two years ago, I finally bought a leaf blower...best thing I ever did. I highly recommend it as the leaves will be gathered up in no time and it's hard to miss one.
CHERYL...do I see cleavage???? WOO HOO! I love seeing a picture of you and Emily together smiling! It's just the thing to start my day off right! Thanks for posting that!
It's nice out today and I'm still not out there raking leaves!! I have so many in my yard again it looks like I've haven't raked yet!!
Nice picture of you and Emily!
LOL...the best laid plans, eh?
I love that you said "let you know what I really did."
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