I got to the aquatic center at 7:45 this morning to take the deep water aquatic class. Once or twice a month they have free drop-in classes, and this one worked with my schedule. I was nervous, because I knew it would kick my butt. You rent a float belt for $1, unless you own your own. I had no clue how long the class would run; it was an hour. Parts of it were really hard and I felt like a wimp. The instructor, who was really great, said you can burn 11 calories a minute. The way I've been eating the last few days, I should take the class every day. I swam a half mile after the class. I don't think I'll sign up for classes, though. I really don't like to exercise. The swimming, walking and now the stretching DVD I'm doing is enough. And it takes a good chunk of my day driving to the center (19 miles), swimming, showering, make-up, hair, etc... I left my house at 7:15 this morning and left the center at 10:00. There's a few signs on the wall by the shower. I get a laugh out of this one: "Please Refrain From Spitting In The Showers" Who would have thought they'd have a problem with spitting? I could understand a sign saying no peeing. I guess spitting IS a problem.
I'm having a problem with my Internet connection at home. Verizon says it's my router, and they're mailing out a new one. I'm hanging out at a Starbucks near the pool now. Listening to Allison Krause singing The Lucky One. I adore her voice. If you're not familiar with her, check it out. She has a voice like an angel. Which reminds me of the coolest (free) application I downloaded to my iPhone called Shazam. If you're somewhere and hear a song you like, you touch the screen of your phone and in about 10 seconds it identifies the song, and gives you the option of buying it from iTunes, or watching a video performance on youtube. How cool is that? How many times do you hear a song and wish you knew what it was?
Well, my time is up here. I'm meeting Bonnie at Nordstrom's. It's a La La La kind of day so far :))
From the Past
We got the snow overnight so I ended up not taking a morning walk
but did get my steps in the house.
Home all day doing a bit of work around the house and t...
48 minutes ago
I've been trying to think of words to describe the kind of day I'm wishing for. Your "La La La kind of day" is perfect. I want one too.
My son was showing me his iphone and he has Shazam too. That is way cool!!
The internet at my house has been real slow yesterday and today.
Have a fun day with Bonnie! Say hi for me.
I used to attend what we called "Deep Water Running" a few years ago. It's fantastic exercise and I really loved it. Eventually, though, my hair started to get 'coppery' and it was taking too much time getting the chlorine smell out of my skin and hair.
Have a great lunch!
I don't like exercise classes either. I like to do "real" activities like walking or biking.
I adore Alison Krause--her voice is beautiful. "The Lucky One" is a great song, but I like "Forget About It" better. Anyway, it sounds like your workout routine is working for you. Mine has been up in the air lately. Some of it is just laziness and some of it is that I haven't been feeling well. Ah well.
OK, now THAT's a reason to buy an iphone - how cool. Hope you & Bon had a good time.
I had to come back and tell you I just got a call from Mr. Nordstrom Sr. (their our customer)- Very nice man - his heat pumps iced up!
That application is awesome! Who'da thunk they'd come up with something that neat. Great job on your swimming class. And I think swimming 19 miles a day is plenty enough exercise. Holy cow!
Oooo how was Nordstroms today? :) Do you ever use their spa?
sounds like a fun awesome day!! I've really got to get an iphone..someday===I think I'd be in a lot of trouble if I bought one..too many other mouthes to feed then my fingers.. although I'd give up sbux for 30days to hold the iphone. :) lol.
Happy times with Bonnie!
what's la la la? Is it related to blah blah blah? it was fun today. whee!
Don't tell me good things about the iphone...I'm already wanting one and I have a perfectly good phone as it is!
I think I'm going to steal your expression of a la la la day. :D
Allison Krause is da bomb!
Your post sounds so happy!
I would love to have a la la kind of day...maybe I should come and hang with you for awhile?
I want to join that swimming class.
Happy Friday Cheryl. Hugs. :)
I'll have to check on AK.
Good job on the swimming class and then swimming a half mile! I'm going this morning and know your problem with time!! I have to really bust a move on work days when I go. I have today off work tho, so it will be a La La La day for me today!
There are signs that crack me up at the Y too. One is "No Bare Butts On The Benches"...it's on the dry sauna door! It has BBOB with one of those emblems that's a circle with one line drawn thru it meaning "NO". I would love to take a photo of it but there are also signs all over that say you can't bring cameras or cell phones with cameras into the locker area...hmmmm wonder why? LOL
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