That's me. Behind on my blog. Just busy with other stuff and not much going on. I went out to dinner with a friend after work on Tuesday. Something out of the box for me, being out on a work night, which was nice. I met her years ago through my ex, and she became a client, and then a fellow blogger. She's an ex-blogger, because of, hmmm, privacy issues, so we met to catch up. I came home to a chatty daughter, which was a treat. Last night was pizza and Fringe, then the CMA's. And here we are, Thursday. Plans for the day? I'm going to do some stamping when I'm done writing. I want to make sure I have all the supplies I need for my Christmas cards. Then I'm going to do a Denise Austin Blast Away the Pounds indoor walk DVD (for the first time), then my stretching DVD. Then I'm meeting Bonnie, Karen and Kathy for lunch. It will be the first time they meet Kathy. We'll have a great time, I'm sure of that. The restaurant is in the Mills near where Karen lives, and I'll be getting fish tacos. I've eaten there 3 times and had them every time, and plan to have them every time in the future too. That's how much I love their fish tacos. The first time we went there Bonnie saw them on the menu and said she loves fish tacos. I couldn't imagine that, but thought, if Bonnie loves them, and she's such a foodie, I might love them too. The rest is history. Since then I've had them in two other restaurants, but they haven't compared to the ones at Ram's Head. The stamping store is also in the Mills, and I'll be stopping by there too. Next on the agenda: school conferences. Not looking forward to that, but I'm a parent, and gee, there's a lot about parenting that I don't like. Truth. It's the hardest job in the world.
If I don't sign off now, I won't get out of the house on time. I'll try to post again later today, with pictures of our outing. Happy Thursday!
Happy Sunday
Sunrise from earlier this week
Sunset last night
A hymn we sang in church this morning.
🎶 Redeemed 🎶
Fanny Crosby
1. Redeemed, how I l...
16 hours ago
It sounds like you have a fun day lined up. I hope you have a minute to check out my blog. I have an award for you.
Always busy, sounds like fun. Eat some tacos for me. Yumm. I hate conferences, I feel like a kid going to the principals office, unless they say how great your kid is, which is always cool. Have fun!
A busy day, rainy day ahead! Hope the parents conferences go well; it wasn't too long ago that I was on the other side of that desk!
I can relate to being behind. I'm glad it was a good evening at home. And today is already packed full. Have a great time at lunch!
Have fun! Fish tacos sound a little *odd* to me, but so did shrimp and crab quesadillas and shrimp and crab nachos -- until I tried them. Yum! In my younger years I wouldn't dare touch carrot cake. My loss.
I'm going to check out that video. Sounds like something that might work for me.
good luck at the PTC!
I'm glad you had lunch first with some good friends! Fish tacos?
Could you take a picture of them next time?
I'm behind too,'s that time of the year!
Dang those privacy issues...I hate it when that happens.
Will someone explain to me what a foodie is?
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