The best part of my workday was doing a new haircut on one of my clients (hi Nancy). It's something I've wanted to do for a long time, and she let me convince her. I was sure that what I had in mind was right for her, so I had no hesitation. I loved it. Other stylists loved it. I think she really liked it, but needs some time to get used to it. She was sure her husband would hate it. What is it about men and long hair? Anyway, Nancy told me she was caught up on my blog. I forgot she read it. She kept teasing me about being happy.
I drank some real coffee at work in the afternoon. Woo hoo! I'll pay for it tonight, but it sure did make me happy after I drank it. I wish I could drink coffee every day, but it makes me hyper, and there's a thin line between hyper and anxious for me, and I know my triggers.
I picked up a frozen pizza from Trader Joe's tonight..Pizza 4 Formaggi. It was fabulous. (I also bought a Pizza Marghereta but we didn't like it) I put some frozen pineapple chunks on it before baking because that's our favorite kind of pizza. TJ has lots of different pizzas. I predict I'll be buying more.
Emily asked me to bake a cake tonight. I pulled out my new cookbook and looked up cake recipes. Having my new mixer makes me want to bake. Alas, I didn't have the required cake flour so tonight's cake is Betty Crocker. Still, it was fun to set the timer for 2 minutes and have the machine mix all by itself. Yes, I stood there and watched it. Emily couldn't wait for the cake to cool, so she cut a slice and left the rest for me to frost. Did I want to eat the slice I just finished? No, and it wasn't wonderful. Where was my willpower?
Tomorrow I'll go to the dentist to see what's going on with my teeth/jaw. The rest of the day I'll spend at home. Or so I say now. I wonder what else the day will bring?
A gift of yarn
Snow was falling as I walked around town this morning.
It was 29 degrees with just a little breeze.
Sunrise 6:38
Morning Walk Steps 12,141
Started out wa...
15 hours ago
Hope the trip to dentist goes well. And that the rest of the day only brings happy smiles.
Oh, I hope you get some answers for your jaw.
I have asked my husband about my hair tons of times and he actually prefers it short and spunky. Which is good because so do I! Most men I know, though prefer the long hair... why does it matter?!
I would love that mixer! How fun that you are enjoying it so much.
Enjoy your day!!
You can substitute 1 cup sifted flour minus 2 TBS for 1 cup cake flour.
I've never made a cake from scratch. I always just use the cake mixes. My sister makes cakes from scratch though. She's a great cook.
Have fun at the dentist tomorrow. ;-)
Ilene...did you know that off the top of your head? You've always been a baker, so I wouldn't be surprised. I should have looked that up in my new cookbook; it was probably there.
Yep, Cheryl, Beatrice is 91. See comment following yours at my blog.
Hmmm...I've never once used cake flour, just all purpose and no problems. I always get the feeling that you and my oldest are just alike!
Hope the dentist goes quickly and well. Oh, and I just love ALL of your trees!
Wow. A cake from scratch. I'm sooooooooooooooo lazy!
Good luck at the dentist.
Hi Cheryl - Steve wanted to bake real scones like the ones in London but he couldn't find the cake flour anywhere. He is the baker in the family. I like Ilene's suggestion. Steve bought flour at which is an incredibly fun site (and very useful for Xmas gifts for Steve). check it out, just for fun!
I love the photos of your decorating.
Sorry, I forgot. The feejit thing is very cool. The feature I wish they provided was a time stamp. I have no idea how old the visits are. If I knew who visited me I'd write and friend people. Jess says that's stalking. I think that's a stuid interpretation.
Only good things from today, I hope! I am dying to try a new haircut, but I don't know what to do, or how to do it. Maybe one day I will find you and see what you would say:) Enjoy your new mixer! My mother has one of those and it is awesome.
i bet the cut looked great.
yes, king arthur has great flours! oh, try whole foods or sunharvest. they have all different flours in bulk, too.
Hope you had a great Wednesday. I am digging out all of my cookbooks to see what to bake this year for Christmas. Thanks for inspiring me!
I was going to tell you about the substitution for cake flour but I see others have beat me to it.
My husband says he likes my hair long or short. :-) He says I look good either way. Isn't he nice!? Or maybe just smart!!! :-)
I love that you had a new style in mind for one of your clients.
Whenever I talk to my hair dresser about a new style she hands me magazines with pictures of young models with hairdos that would not suit me at all.
Sounds like you really give it your all!!
Remind me to explain to you about men and long hair when I see you again...
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