I'm usually really tired at the end of a day off. Today was no different. I spent the long trip to the dentist talking to my sister in GA. I always use the speaker phone. My dentist, David, diagnosed my problem right away. I don't remember the name of it, but he's sure it's from clenching my teeth, either when I sleep or during the day. He took impressions for a TNI device. All I know is that it's tiny, clear, and it fits between your front teeth, keeping them from touching. I'll wear it at night. I stopped at Sam's Club on the way home to pick up a prescription and get gas. $2.88 gallon. A bargain around here. I came home and with Emily's help, raked all the leaves out of the garden and what little grass I have. Nine bags. It was beautiful today--mid-50's. A perfect day to rake and be outside. I haven't touched the leaves in my backyard and that's where all the trees are. Out of sight, out of mind. And that's OK with me.

When we were done, I put the Christmas lights on the shrubs. The same ones I trimmed a few weeks ago. Last year I did the most engineer-y thing. I diagrammed the wiring. I was the Happyone setting it all up. Yes, nerdy me took a picture to show you. The round things are the shrubs. Hey, it took all the guesswork out of a hard job and made it simple.

The rest of the day was spent cleaning up and decorating. There's just some stuff to clean up on the dining room table. That's it. I'm officially done. Time for TV.
Just get the lawn mower out in the back yard and chop all the leaves up. Or get a leaf blower and blow them all into the neighbor's yard. LOL
I think that's brilliant to make a sketch of things. Why not make things easy on yourself.
I'm glad you got the jaw thing figured out and its not too serious. I was thinking about you today and hoped it went well.
2.88 for gas? I wish! Around here its 3.15/gallon and up. Take care!
I'm with Jay. Chop those suckers up. I spent a long time today picking up pecans for pecan pies. Joyce came home this afternoon and sat in the grass and talked to me and Maggie while we did that. It was a nice time and I was glad to get Joyce back home!
I like the diagram. That's a very Andrew-ish thing to do. You are now in the "men's club!" LOL
Boy Howdy you are organized! I feel like a slug now.
I'm so glad the pain in your jaw wasn't anything serious. My husband wears one of those things because he grits his teeth in his sleep. Makes my teeth hurt just thinking about it!
I think your diagram is great - there's nothing nerdy about doing it right the first time.
I third the boys on chopping up the leaves with the mower - they make great mulch. I don't even bother to chop mine - we get so much rain that they become sodden and don't blow away. By spring they're decomposed into the ground.
I'm usually really depressed at the end of a day off because I have to go back work.
Do they make anything for that?
I'm looking forward to seeing your house lit up.
Wow, $2.88 is good. Even $5 a gallon would be cheap for me! I get that problem in the night-time too but couldn't get used to the device. I hope you'll have more luck with it than I did!
now THAT is organization!!!
sounds good tho.
happy friday!
Our big maple gave us 20 of the 40 gallon bag of leaves. Talk about some work. I am just glad we did it and now it's over!
I just love how in the Christmas spirit you are, Cheryl. It's impossible not to feel happy about it when visiting here! You are making great memories for and with your daughter too! :-)
I love how organized you are, the way everything is labeled, the way you measure your dough. It's so clean. I think organizing is fun and it's funny how proud we are of ourselves for it.
Organization: I wish I had more of that wonderful talent. I do draw diagrams of everything, it's execution that gets me everytime.
I hope I can get in the decorating mode early next week. The men folks are going on their "man trip" the 7th and will be gone for three days. I want to have everything done and the left overs and packing put away when they return.
You inspire me to be a better "doer" and less of a procastinator.
your house is awesome!
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