I'm so glad that some of you are making my baked pineapple recipe. I hope you absolutely love it. I mean, anything with that much butter has to be great, right? Let me know how it goes, OK? I'll be making a double and a single recipe in the morning. We won't be leaving for the relatives till around 2:00.
Today was long. You know that short-timer syndrome. I came home and took Emily and her boyfriend to Pachanga Grill, a great Mexican restaurant that's nearby. We all had Chimichangas. Yum. When we got home, Emily wanted to start decorating. I was happy to have the help, so we started bringing the Christmas bins up from the basement. We got the mantle and stereo cabinet done, and then she pooped out. So, the house is now messy with containers and tissue paper and trees on the floor. I'll be cleaning that up in the morning. So far my mantle is my favorite. It's very, very glittery. Last year I fell in love with German glass glitter, and it's everywhere. So, the house is partially done. It's a start.
Something strange is going on with my teeth. I started having some pain in my jaw a few days ago. Then yesterday, it seemed that my teeth didn't fit together at all. When I try to bite down, the bottom teeth that are to the left of middle hit the back of the teeth above them, keeping all my molars from touching. When I try to shift my jaw so the back teeth meet, I have a lot of pain. Weird. Here's my theory: I have these granola bars that I love. I have one a day and eat them slowly with my front teeth. What can I say? I've been doing this for quite a while. I see that I've been bringing my lower jaw forward so my front teeth meet. Could that have done it? If I promise to eat the granola bars like a normal person, do you think my teeth will go back? I'm not going to be a hypochondriac about this. It's just weird.
I know that most of you will be busy tomorrow, but I'll be around in the morning catching up with you. Till then...
From the Past
We got the snow overnight so I ended up not taking a morning walk
but did get my steps in the house.
Home all day doing a bit of work around the house and t...
12 hours ago
hi cheryl, i saw in your last post that you read cook books. here's a blog that might be of some interest to you. i think the person is a food critic, and the food dishes are scrumptious.
sorry cheryl, it's late and i'm sleepy. forgot to leave the link:
Hy Cheryl - thanks for the insight into your family. Do get to a dentist - you don't want to have problems with your jawbone.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. :)
I'll bet your house looks beautiful and Christmasy!
I think you might want to get to a dentist, too.
Thank you so much for the caring comment you left me, you are just so awesome.
Have a very happy Thanksgiving!
Have a wonderful day. I'll let you know how the pineapple turns out!
hmm, owie on your teeth, and this is coming from someone with oodles of issues in the mouth..I would go to the dentist...it could be anything..but anytime your body gives off signals like you're having, it's a sign to listen to it and act on it versus ignoring it!!
I am hoping I don't screw up the pineapple bake!! :)
Happy Gobbles.
You're probably cleaning up the house right now..I know how Em is-I used to be like her...
Yeah on the mantle..pictures maybe? What's german glitter glass?
Happy thanksgiving! I'm so thankful to have you as a friend,...I'm blessed to read you, and I am always thankful when I am down, and I come here you remind me in your lovely happy words how to see the good side..
I'm thankful that Em has a wonderful mom and a hardworker, and someone that deserves all the rays of sunshine to shine on her toes on her deck! :)
Glad you're going be around for part of today. Happy Thanksgiving Cheryl. Make sure to chew softly today. ;)
ouch, sounds painful.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and Emily!
Sounds like it's time for a call to dentist David.
I'm glad your jaw is feeling a little better. Sweets, I don't think chewing the granola bars the way you do would cause that. You know this lot, we're going to mother hen you into going to the dentist if it's not totally gone soon. :)
I don't know what German glass glitter is, but anything with the word "glitter" makes my pulse race a little faster. Will you share some pictures over the weekend?
I hope you have a fantastic day with your family. Happy Thanksgiving!
happy thanksgiving, lovey.
glad that your jaw is better...
now get cracking on that turkeyleg.
Cheryl- Just wanted to swing by and wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!
Hope you are having a wonderful Thanksgiving with family, Cheryl! Thank you for the gift of your friendship and presence on my blog! :-)
Everybody's getting snow except for you and me! I protest! LOL Hope today went well and that you are going to enjoy a long weekend off of work!
Cheryl, the baked pineapple was a BIG hit. I made a double recipe and the dish is e-m-p-t-y! And I DO mean empty. There were 11 at the table today including the two grandsons. When asked where I got the new recipe I said, "One of my blog friends." Of course the youndest grandson asked my friend's name so I told him. As they were leaving he came back and said,"Tell Aunt Chewyl I wove her pineappwe cake." The boys aren't allowed to call adults by first names and only an aunt would share her recipe - at least in his 4 year-old world that's the way it is. Thanks for sharing.
I can't wait to see a pic of your mantle.. hint hint. :D
Jaw pain can be so painful and I don't want you to suffer! I chew a lot with my front teeth, out of habit, and I've never had any pain from it. But granola bars can be hard to chew. I don't know.. don't wait too long to find out what it is, if it keeps bugging you.
OH.. forgot the most important part....
HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! You are on my "I'm grateful for" list. You are so sweet and nice and I love reading your comments. Thanks again for supporting me and encouraging me during the challenge. I really needed it!
maybe you are clenching your teeth while you sleep?
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving Cheryl,hope you had a great day!
I never heard of German Glitter glass either. I second the motion for pictures!
So cool that you like The SUN magazine,too. Have you ever thought of submitting an essay for Reader's write?
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