It's 5:00, I'm finally home and settled in, but am I in my sweats reading my book like I told myself I would? No. Here I am. I guess this is home sweet home to me.
I got my usual early morning start. Went to the bank, post office and grocery store. Went to my parent's and my mom and I went to Annapolis Mall. The longer I was there, the more I wanted to leave. I parked in front of Macy's instead of Lord and Taylor's. That meant that I had to leave my mother in the shoe department of Macy's while I walked through the mall to customer service to pick up an electric scooter. Then I drove it through the mall and through Macy's to my waiting mother. It was fun, actually, but eye-opening. So many people stare at you when you're 'disabled.' I returned something at Macy's, couldn't find anyone to help me at Hollister's, and couldn't find American Eagle. The mall just added 70 new stores and everything's rearranged. When it was time to leave, I had to do the whole scooter thing again in reverse. Bring Mom to the door by Macy's, drive the scooter to customer service, walk through the mall and through Lord and Taylor's, then drive to Macy's to pick her up. I'll never again forget the right mall entrance to use. We always go to Annapolis Mall because they have the electric scooters. I really dislike pushing a wheelchair, and the scooter gives my mother independence. Sometimes too much. She disappears, then I have to go through the stores calling her name like I'm a lost kid. But that's OK...she should be able to go where she wants.
We had lunch at a favorite Italian place. I did not watch my calories--I'm so weak! I had eggplant parmesan, which I just love. It was my first time having it there, and I might just have it every time in the future. I picked up Fettuccine Alfredo for Emily's dinner. Then I brought my mom home and headed to the library. For more cookbooks to read. I like to read them in bed before going to sleep.
Now I'm home, at the end of this post, and I really am getting into my sweats and reading my novel. I don't know if I should even read over this. I have a feeling it's a big yawn.
A gift of yarn
Snow was falling as I walked around town this morning.
It was 29 degrees with just a little breeze.
Sunrise 6:38
Morning Walk Steps 12,141
Started out wa...
15 hours ago
I hope you are reading something other than this right now! I've missed reading up on you since I've been sick.
Sounds like a huge mall... ours is pretty small.. I don't think theres room for 70 stores!!
I hear you about the way people look at the disabled. My hubby had to use a cane with his leg infection and people just stare and stared and him.
Gonna read up on the rest of the posts I missed! Enjoy your quiet time!
Sounds like a nice day for Mom. Where did you eat?
I had to use those scooters a few years back when I broke my ankle. The thing I came away with was how few of them there are, and what crappy condition most of them are in. I feel for anyone who is dependent on them.
I hope you enjoy reading your novel and your cookbooks. I went to the library today too. I just stumbled across a book I loved - an Agatha Raisin mystery - so I went to the library and checked out all in the series that I could find. :)
Watcha reading?
We can't get my dad to use a scooter, he just gave up going out in public for the most part.
A relative offered him a FREE one, but he would not take it. So it is so good to hear that your mom is willing to use one and have her independence! I am hoping my dad will change his mind so he can live a more active and interesting life!
you just reminded me of the time that my mom disappeared in a k-mart with a ummm, 8 year old soulkid..... i thought i would NEVER find them. i didn't know if i should be angry or worried. geesh. only me. i'm tellin ya. :))
enjoy your book...
i am goin ta bed too!
Nothing you could ever write would induce a yawn! :-) That's the cool thing about blogging friends. We're here for you when your days are mundane, and here when they are exciting. I was just glad to hear you had an overall good day. All this talk of food is making me hungry from you and Abbagirl.
Sometimes going to the mall really is a hassel, isn't it? Reading cookbooks in bed would make me hungry, how do you do it? Have a good "Monday". :)
"The mall just added 70 new stores"
Could you tell me how to get there from Kentucky?
Forget the book. Try watching some TV. That's what Corky does kids. ;)
there are no calories in eggplant parmesan.
the eggplant eats them & you can eat all you wish... it really is phenom.
Fun day for you and your mom. We got one of those electric scooters for my mom when we went to Disneyland. She had a blast on it...until the darn thing died on her.
You are so nice to your mom. :-)
I always get lost in malls. Arundel Mills is a loop and I still have a problem. I always come out of a store and end up going the wrong way and walk all around the loop again.
Eggplant parmesan is one of my favorites, though I like my recipe better than when I have it out.
Sounds like you had a full fun day. I like reading cookbooks at night as well. I only read them when nothing else is on t.v. I have quite a few, but never thought about checking them out from the library.
What a day!! Interesting point about being in a scooter..I've often wanted to do see the way people look at you with pity, or quickly turn their eyes...interesting.
So, what novel are you reading?
Did I tell you that I finished the Secret Fan book? WOW!!! WOWOWOWOWOWO!!!
ugh, the mall and I don't get along with three boys..not yet at least..even Santa still makes the younger two freaked out!
Sounds like you had a wonderful day with your mom.
I love the silver trees by the way. Nice clean look. I LOVE IT! Christmas is definitely my favorite time of the year.
Keep writing and keep in touch.
I am going to live vicariously through you.
The only holiday decoration I have out, and most likely will have up, is my trusty wreath I made years ago.
It hangs on my front door. My living space is small enough as is adding decorations would make me feel overwhelmed I fear. It's all in storage waiting for me to a big girl and move to a bigger home.
For now, keep the pictures coming!
I hate malls, and having a scooter dramw sounds like even less fun!
By the way, I've mentioned you in my post for today. :)
I really enjoy reading about the days you and your mom spend together. It makes me feel good...for both of you.
I used a scooter during the time I had the hip fracture (1991) from a silly fall. I hated the stubborn thing but was really glad to have it. In the beginning I ran over everything remotely near me.
After one trip, I decided Arundel Mills is too complicated for an old gal like me and now I hear they are adding 70 stores!!!! Wow! I didn't think there were 70 more stores to add. What a shopping experience that must be.
Your Christmas decorations are beautiful. I especially like the silver tree. It's clean and neat but reflects light in a nice way. I haven't started decorating yet. But now that my house is quiet - too quiet for me - I'll start and try to be through no later than The 8th. (Little old Southern ladies like me are slow, you know.)
I'm only checking in on three of you tonight. The special girls! Thanks for your kindness tonight. I am taking care of the knee. It feels good after the drugs. I'm warm and cozy in my bed after some sweet potato pie and I'm headed off to dream land.
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