I have a few obsessions. One of them is with Starbucks Christmas ornaments. I think I've found all the new ones for this year, and I'm only buying about one of each. I went a little overboard last year. The 'Starbucks tree' I made last year is pretty full. I need to finish glittering the coffee-stirrer star that Sarah made for me. Don't tell Emily, but I'm thinking of getting a bigger tree.

I'm gluing myself to this chair for the next few hours. I'll have an ear out for the chime that tells me someone dropped by to say hello. That always puts a smile on my face!
I am no stranger to obsessions! I love the Starbucks tree. You are so crafty in a craft kind of way. I'm glued to my chair, too! Don't you just love that sound when a comment comes in. I've got comments from blogs all over earmarked by checking that follow box and it is fun keeping up with all the conversation. Okay, I need a life! lol
did you buy those ornaments or make them?
Nice that you get a chime, i think that would be fun...it always makes me happy when i get an email with a comment.
Cute tree!
The Starbucks tree is pretty cool. I know a few coffee addicts that would love that.
Cuuuuuute tree. I like the cup with the globe thingy on top. Oh Cheryl I am soooo tired. I'm getting pretty sick of glass too. :)
What a cool idea! I just got an idea to make tim a bass tree thanks for the inspiration. you just never quit.
Being near Seattle, I love Starbucks! They are everywhere now. I love your tree, too fun. Are you still glued to your chair? I am now... time to get some writing done.
Love the pictures! Can't wait to see more!
I have a (white) tree that is covered with beach ornaments and it stays up all year long.
Show us the cards!
What a great little tree! Damn, I am SO not talented, or something, I have no spirit, or what IS it that I need to get my Christmas decorating started or updated...well, other than legs that is, because even when I can walk, every year, it is SUCH an issue. I think that tree is really awesome!
And I think Summers beach tree sounds wonderful, too.
Have a great day off today!
That is really cool!!! I like that!
I buy a new ornament for my boys every year, put their name on it and store it, so someday when they're grown, they'll have a box of decorations to give to their wife to help make Christmas look festive!!
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