The end of another busy day. I'll write a proper post tomorrow. I didn't want to let a day slip by without anything new here. I bought this Santa a few years ago. It's one of my prized possessions. This is just a peek.
A gift of yarn
Snow was falling as I walked around town this morning.
It was 29 degrees with just a little breeze.
Sunrise 6:38
Morning Walk Steps 12,141
Started out wa...
15 hours ago
I love the Santa, Cheryl. I hope this foretells a photo montage of your Christmas decorations!!!! :-)
Gorgeous Santa Cheryl
so far I have avoided the after Thanksgiving shopping mess. Just a quick trip to Target after more Christmas lights for outside. The trip was worth it. My front of the town house looks awesome if I say so myself. My surfing santa is back out this year. My Jewish neighbors said it was very me and loved it. Then asked if I would please put my tree in the front window so they could enjoy it also. There are only about 5 Christian families in our whole community. (200 homes)
I did get some new sheets for myself and a new comfy snuggle blanket for my sons girlfriend. She'll love it. She is always snuggling and falling asleep on the sofa.
I will be off to Borders for those 50% off books, if I can ever get that coupon to print. Drats.
Hope your having an awesome weekend of shopping and decorating.
That Santa is gorgeous, big is he?
I'm trying to get in the spirit of decorating. Maybe you will inspire me.
That's a really nice Santa. I like his expression.
WoW that is a beautiful Santa. You have great taste!
I haven't put up any decorations yet, even though that was my plan.
No time today, as we go out of town for Sunday dinner with the extended family. But maybe I can sneak in a few before I leave, if I can get off of this computer!
i LOVE that wooden Santa. I really like "old time" santa and father christmas type stuff. can't wait to see more!
I love your Santa, can't wait to see more. :)
Oh, that's a gorgeous little glimpse. More! More!
I like the angle of the picture. We have a place nearby in Kirkland that dose some wonderful handcarved Santas and what-not. Especially a lot of what-not. :)
He is cute!
Hoo Hooo HOO!! how magically lovely!! I LOve Christmas!!
i have always loved those carved antique style santas...i have a few of them myself. it's just a matter of un-grinching myself and getting stuff set out.
but well..apparently i have no choice this year..i made a deal with jamie---so i have to keep my end of the bargain :))
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