I thought I'd write a short post in case anyone's bored and looking around the blogsphere for something to read. How was my day, you ask? Good. I woke up in the middle of an intensive dream that I wish I'd written down before I forgot what it was about, but I didn't. I got to work a little early to do something with my hair. I had it colored yesterday, and we were out of my usual and I was in a rush so I just made a 'concoction' and it turned out very dark. That's because I used a dark color, duh. At least it was me and not a client. It's a demi-permanent color, so it fades out and will be lighter in a few weeks. Emily saw it for the first time today and said, 'Mom, your hair's too dark! You can't wear black tops till it's lighter. Your dark hair, dark eyebrows and dark tops are too much.' Oh well, I'm wearing black anyway. During the winter, and I guess fall, I wear black tops, black slacks, black clogs and a black apron. Yes, I could have just said all black, but I liked the effect of listing it all. It's my 'uniform' and I love not having to think about what to wear. Anyway, back to the hair. My curls look like they're on steroids. I'm curlier than I've ever been since I've been using the DevaCurl products. We're talking Orphan Annie, but not red. Can you tell I had caffeine? Yup, caramel latte, extra shot, extra hot. That's why I'm so chatty.
I went to the library after work. I got two audio books, and at least 5 cookbooks. I don't do much cooking, but love to read cookbooks. I came home only to turn around and bring Emily and her friends to the corn maze. Nice mom, huh? I went to the dollar store to waste some time, then waited for them in my car. It was dark, and I was a little worried. There were only 2 other cars there, and I was worried about them finding their way out. I shouldn't have been. We stopped by the Chinese carry-out on the way home and I dropped them off at Em's boyfriend's house, with the food. And here I am. I'm headed up to my 'craft' room to see if I can come up with ideas for my Christmas cards. Whew. How was that for a quick note?
A gift of yarn
Snow was falling as I walked around town this morning.
It was 29 degrees with just a little breeze.
Sunrise 6:38
Morning Walk Steps 12,141
Started out wa...
15 hours ago
The corn maze - what a nice memory. (And yes, this Mom finally grabbed the flag and led her whiny, thirsty, tired, citified family to the center and out of the dangerous corn field.)
ok I'm hooked. see you later
Carmel latte, extra shot, extra hot. Oh the things dreams are made of. Tomorrow morning may find me at the coffee shop.
When your club meets to discuss "Elsewhere" I'd be interested to know if anyone thought (until the very end) that she was either dreaming or in a coma. I did.
Good post, makes me want to get to the coffe shop, too! I need to color my hair, want to help, oh how I hate that job, and i won't let anyone else do it, so I put it off....but it's time. The grey is getting pretty bad, I am looking like my grandma. :)
I wish I had a head of hair like yours. I also wish hairdressers knew how to deal with my kind of hair instead of just throwing up their hands and saying, "I just don't know!" Ha!
I tried a pumpkin spice latte last week. It was great.
I'm not big on cooking anymore, but I'll tell you who inspires me for just plain good food is the Pioneer Woman Cooks. Her blog is great too. I tried her mashed potatoes last night and thought I had died and gone to heaven!
get crackin on those cards, girl. the holidays are 'bout to bite you in the butt. :)
I got a burst of energy from reading your post! I'm going to work out now before I get lazy again.
Love this post! Love you in a frenzy! What did you get at the library? I love to read cookbooks too. You have to look at Donna Hay cookbooks. She has the best food photography I've ever seen. I just finished editing my post from yesterday. I think I was in a frenzy when I wrote it. Frenzy doesn't flatter me the way it does you.
I heard you can now buy a venti pumpkin spice latte for over $5 now!
This was a fun read, Cheryl. A busy day, but good stuff. I love the idea of a black "uniform", I tend to wear a lot of black too, simple and easy.
LOL at the darker hair, last time I got mine a little redder than I planned - quite red! Thankfully, I also use demi-permanent color, and it's looking ok now.
Loved you reading cookbooks but not cooking much. I collect lots of recipes that I intend to try "sometime" but rarely ever do.
You sure had far more ambition than I did yesterday, but I did manage to get some cleaning done, and am determined to finish it up today. Hope you have a nice restful Sunday!
All this talk of coffee makes we wish I liked it. :-)
I just dyed my hair last week so I'm good for a little while.
I get a magazine subscription called Cooking for Two (nice because its just me and my husband now) and every month plan to make a whole bunch of the recipes. I usually only make one or two, but it's fun to look through and collect the recipes.
Have a restful Sunday - read those cookbooks.
I just dyed my hair a wonderful red color with tinges of brown. Wait...I'm a guy. No I didn't! lol Just playing around Cheryl. That coffee sounds so wonderful. It makes me want one and I want popcorn for supper tonight too. Too bad I am broke! lol Hope you have a great day and I look forward to an update soon!
Your friend,
Jonathon Andrew
I loved that post! You can definitely read the caffeine in the lines. How fun! Do we get to see a pic of your hair? During the winter I always go back to my natural color.. blah brown. Then during spring and summer I play with reds and highlights.
I like your daughters instructions about the shirts. Too funny. Your 'uniform' is great.. no thinking involved.
Have a great Sunday!
curls on steroids!!!! LOL
and this is like the third or fourth corn maze i have read about in the passed few weeks...before that i had never heard of one.
mushroom much? ummm yep.
(kept in the dark and pooped on..ya know)
latah tatah
ps .. i hope that coffee buzz wears off before bed time.
HA! FUzzy wuzzy hair, huh? You have me craving coffee right now and I had just planned on dozing on the couch...
the corn maze sounds like fun..I worried about that too, but chances are they had a guideline or fence so they couldn't get lost although it may have felt that way..sometimes I have dreamt of getting lost in a corn field for the heck of it..to just disappear for a bit. :)
Happy Sunday!
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