From there I went to Macy's to buy my sister a holiday gift. I won't tell you what I got cause then she'd know (hi Lisa!). There's a Sam's Club across the street from Macy's, and I sat in my car and tried to think if there was anything I needed. Then I remembered this weekend is their food sampling extravaganza to toast in the holidays. Shamelessly, I drove right over and spent the next 20 minutes or so eating. Uh huh, I just ate, no purchases. What can I say? There were a few things that I sampled that were really good and I will buy them some other time. I shopped at two grocery stores on the way home with minutes to spare before turning around and driving Emily to work. Yes, work. She has a job and I'll write about that sometime soon. I went to the Panera's across the street, to find that the only electrical outlet they have was not functioning. I was thinking I'd have a drink and write from there, but decided to just come home. That's where I'm at. Whew. On the one hand, I should get upstairs and work on my cards. On the other, I just want to sit and read the newspaper and all the magazines that have piled up. I think that's what I'm going to do. I need to just stop.
I found an Internet site that carries my birdbath, for anyone that might be interested. I bought mine from The Wild Bird Center. Here's a few pics. You can mount it on a deck, or to a pole in the ground. The great thing is that it tilts out, so all the old water and junk spills over the side. The grass is very green in that spot below my deck! You'll see in the second picture how the cord is stored underneath, for when you don't need it. It's about time.
I think I'm going to relax now. Ahhhh...
Fascinating bird bath! I wonder if my neighbor squirrels would like that. Interesting, you know I've never even heard of a heated bird bath.
I hope you are enjoying your quiet, it can be quite refreshing to be still and just BE. You know?
Remember I told you I'd write a scene with my single mom making an omelet? Yup, I did it! I hope you are able to read my whole book someday.
Take care!
Do you have an electrical outlet on your deck?
Hi I...I do have an outlet. It comes in very handy for birdbaths, blogging and bright Christmas lights.
What a WAY cool birdbath. I love it. I think I might have to have one since the big dish I had out on my deck got knocked over the edge by some critter and broke. I hope you had a good day today.
Just reading about your day exhausted me! I am in awe - you got a LOT done today. Can you rub some of that energy off on me?
"""""Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh"""""""""""""""That's me joining you in a very relaxing evening!!
Hey, it also comes with an optional "water wiggler", which just sounds so dirty. hee,hee,hee
So essentially you grazed your through Sam's club then. I used to do that at Costco with my friend's dad. They would shop and him and I would attack all the free food displays. :)
My heated birdbath is different from yours. I like yours much better. Mine is several years old and isn't very easy to clean. Maybe Santa will bring me one of these.
I'll have to stop in at The Wild Bird Center and pick up one of these bird baths.
Do you work right next door?
I love your birdbath!! I'll bet lots of critters will use it for drinking this winter! Just too cool how you can clean it out! Necessity IS the mom of invention, eh?
Great blog!!
I'm calling BIGDOGG to show him the picture of the birdbath!!
ANd I haven't been able to stop thinking about the pineapple I'm coming by to smell it again, until I make it for thanksgiving in a few days!
happy Monday~
I love you're energy. Can I have some? It sounds like you really enjoy being busy so more power to you. ;)
Wow, you did have a busy morning "off"! LOL Hope the rest of your day was kick back and relax. Can't wait to hear more about Emily's job. I am a big fan of kids earning a little money. Gives them a whole new appreciation for it's value.
What a day! That was sweet of you to share the bird bath pictures after all the interest it generated. I hope Emily likes her job:)
What a great bird bath!
What a great birdbath! I want one, too!
I think you will have a great time with all those days off, I am very jealous...and it's way worth it, to work a Monday.
Have a good but short week!
That is such a neat birdbath. I think my grandma would LOVE that. Thanks for including the link!
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