A tiny little post today. Or at least, a quick one. We lost power for about 3 hours this morning, and it threw off the day for me. I made some horrible coffee by pouring boiling water (gas range and a match) over a paper cone filled with grounds. Sludge. I shoveled. I didn't read, which is what I thought I'd do. I didn't miss the Internet.
I visited my parents and had a meeting at the center with a manager from a private home care agency. I was very, very impressed. It's a start to what comes next.
I used my crock pot for the first time today. I got it as a gift in 2009. I bought a packet of slow cooker pot roast seasoning and followed the directions. It wasn't done after the proscribed time. The meat was tough and the vegetables hard and I was disappointed. Next time I'll find a recipe instead of using a mix. I did get a cookbook along with the slow cooker. We had pizza for dinner instead. Maybe the pot roast will be magically better tomorrow. I cooked it for an extra hour and didn't taste it. And I didn't add cinnamon.
A mundane day. I hope tomorrow is super busy. That's the kind of day I need.
Another morning for walking just like yesterday.
Started out dark, 30 degrees, clear and the came the sun toward the end.
Sunrise 7:34
Finished reading Th...
7 hours ago
Put everything back in the crock pot and cook it for another few hours.
Weren't you the pioneer making coffee that way!! :)
Ditto what Kathy said.
Pot roast usually falls apart when cooked in a crock pot. I use mine all the time and love it.
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