28 January 2011

A quiet ending

I've been sitting in my so quiet house since I got home from work, the only sound that of my space heater. I like the quiet. Maybe it's because I spend my days talking in a place that's loud with music and blow dryers and other talkers. It's probably the reason I never turn on the TV unless I'm watching something. I don't like noise for the sake of noise. So, nice and quiet here. The heat has made me sleepy though. I've almost finished catching up on blogs, but I won't get mine written if I don't stop. It was a nice busy day at work, after a stressful morning at home. My parents might be coming home much sooner than anticipated, and we're not ready. Arrangements haven't been made. When I heard the news I felt like I had a 600 pound boulder on my back. I put it in a compartment, though, and there it will stay for a while. I wound up cooking my pot roast longer last night while we got pizza and watched TV. That's because I forgot about it. I'm happy to report that when I tasted it this morning, it was tender and tasty. Not as good as my favorite pot roast by The Pioneer Woman, but still good. I was so hungry that I called and asked Emily to heat some up for me so it would be ready when I got home. The extra cooking made all the difference! Lesson learned. Also, some folks told me to always choose the long cooking cycle on low over the quick one on high. Now I just need some good recipes. I had some ice cream for dessert. Like Happyone! But mine was Turkey Hill Ginger Snap. Simply delicious.

And that's all she said, folks. I'm getting into bed with my magazine. Goodnight Friday. You started off rough but ended well. It's the well that I'm thankful for.


Leann said...

Sleep well my friend. I hope your Saturday is as peaceful and quiet as your day ending was today. :-)

Seth M. Ward said...


Check out this quick recipe for fish and chips:D

Keep on keeping on......

That's all we can do sometimes.....

beachgirl said...

You have been busy girl. And your weather has been horrid for sure.
It is a little brisk down here for sure.

HappyK said...

I like the quiet too. Sounds like a nice ending to your day. Ice cream is always a treat isn't it?

Golden To Silver Val said...

Here's a cheap, easy one if you like BBQ chicken. A whole package of chicken legs...put in crockpot. Pour your favorite BBQ sauce over it...a whole bottle. (not the huge sized) (I use Open Pit). Put the cover on and cook on low all day...(at least 8 hours)...the chicken will be falling off the bone. Don't be tempted to lift the lid and look...its the steam that makes it all so tender! This is a good one to make while you're at work. When I use my crockpot while I'm gone, I always put it on the stove surface just cause it makes me feel better about having something on and leaving. I've been doing it for 40 some years and never have had a problem.

Mary said...

I used the slow cooker a lot when I worked. It was a real help when I had two teenage boys and long days at the office. As a matter of fact, I had two slow cookers and used them together. I gave the cookers to a friend when my boys' appetites slowed.

Cheryl, I love quiet time, too. Harry wants noise for the sake of noise. We have worked our differences out - I have a little area that is off limits to noise. He has a TV by his computer.

I'm thinking about you and your parents. This is not an easy time for anyone in the family. You are a wonderful daughter - loving and kind. I'm certain that your parents appreciate you and your brother and sisters.

Josie Two Shoes said...

There is nothing I love more, or find more relaxing, than the sound of absolute quiet in the house... just cats purring!! We have ten phone lines where I work, ringing non-stop in the office all day, along with constant call paging, so it's a real treat to my ears to hear nothing at all.

KathyA said...

See -- with a slow cooker, longer is always better -- you could let some cute of meat cook for days!! Well, not quite...

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