I wrote about my love of shrimp and how I make it in this post. My sister suggested I try it with Old Bay instead of garlic powder. I don't know why that idea never occurred to me before. A few nights ago, I swizzled some olive oil over my shrimp, then added the garlic powder. Then I remembered the Old Bay. I decided to add it on top of the garlic. I had some Old Bay in a little baggie that I'd gotten from my neighbor. I smelled the bag, then sprinkled some on. Then some more. Then a little more. I didn't want it too spicy for the kids, but I loved the color. It wasn't till it was sizzling in the pan that I caught a whiff of cinnamon. It was cinnamon on the shrimp, not Old Bay. Darn. Did I ruin the shrimp?
Emily was the first to plate up her dinner. She popped a shrimp in her mouth and said it tasted 'different.' I didn't reply, and she took her food upstairs to continue studying. The shrimp was actually good. Crispy and flavorful. I don't think I'll ever do that combo again, but I would if I didn't have any other spice. Later that night I told Emily what I did. She thought it was pretty funny.
I got off a little early tonight and picked up my favorite dinner from Chipotle. I had ice cream for dessert. It's all gone now and I'm not adding ice cream to my list anytime soon. It just goes too quickly in this house.
Well, I'm off to take a bath, of all things. Calgon, take me away. Who remembers that one?
From the Past
We got the snow overnight so I ended up not taking a morning walk
but did get my steps in the house.
Home all day doing a bit of work around the house and t...
11 hours ago
Too funny! This called to mind a time when my mom was making ham n' bean soup and accidentally picked up the sugar shaker instead of salt. She didn't say anything to us at the time either, and we all sat around the table thinking, hmmm, this tastes a little weird! :-) I'm thinking cinnamon cocoanut shrimp might be kinda tasty in an unusual way!
And yes, I sure did used to dream that Calgon would take me away, but sadly it never came thru on the promise! :-)
Love this..oh how I have done the same type of thing in my cooking past. LOL
Yep, I frequently still ask the same of Calgon. Sometimes it helps.
Hugs, friend. :)
So funny. NEXT time you'll have to try Old Bay!
How about Old Bay in the bath???
Funny about the cinnamon! I love old bay!
I do remember Calgon. That reminds me of when David was little and I was having one of those Calgaon, take me away times. He sat outside the bathroom door and talked to me. Said he was keeping me company!!
Calgon created the most famous tag phrase in not-so-modern day memory. Anytime I am stressed, the slogan still runs through my mind. I don't say it out loud much anymore because everyone gets that deer in the headlight look. Shrimp looks really good!
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