I much prefer warm weather and longer days. When it's winter, I tend to come home from work, put on sweats or PJ's, wash my face, and hang out downstairs. If it were summer, I'd go to the pool or hang out on my porch or deck or talk to neighbors or garden. When it's dark and cold, I'm just 'in'.
I work till 7 on Tuesdays and Fridays. They make for long days. They make for short nights at home, since I like my bedtime to be around 10. My mom had a wonderful facial and massage at my salon today, and she looked good! Yesterday's plan to color her hair was a very good one. I cut Amanda's hair, (Mom's helper) and she was very grateful. It was my pleasure. She really is heaven-sent, and has quickly become a very important part of our family. They were off to lunch at Red Lobster after leaving. My mom, as some of you know, loves to eat out. She has a hard time finding people to go with her. I told them to be sure to get extra cheesy biscuits.
My client Betty gave me a beautiful knitted scarf today. Thank you! I have it around my neck as I'm typing this. I have on fleece pj's. My space heater is about a foot away from me. I'm feeling nice and warm. I'm still feeling the remnants of my cold. My throat is still a bit sore and my ears hurt a little. It's been almost 3 weeks. Way too long, but more an annoyance than anything.
Well, that's about it from tired me. I'm going to settle into the couch and watch a little TV before heading up to bed. I set my timer for a 15 minute post. It's just about done. A little editing, and that's it from this blogger.
TTY tomorrow!
Another morning for walking just like yesterday.
Started out dark, 30 degrees, clear and the came the sun toward the end.
Sunrise 7:34
Finished reading Th...
7 hours ago
Sounds like a nice, cozy night. I had a great pedicure and other 'stuff' today. Also took advantage of the Obagi sale. Then came home and finished un-decorating the house and made dinner. Only the tree remains. I even ran the vacuum and dusted. Now it's shower time -- can't believe NCIS isn't on yet again tonight. Bummer.
Cheryl if you were my patient I'd say you need a Z-pack and call one in for you just to get rid of that darn cold! I'm "in" as soon as I get home too. I will admit to being in PJ's right now myself! :)
Nice reading your blog posts again!
Cindi Ann
Did you ever try Cold-Eeze? I swear by them when it comes to sore throats. The first hint of one and I take them and they seem to stop sore throats in their tracks. I buy the generic one put out by Equate called Zinc Gluconate Glycine Lozenges.
Hope that yours disappears soon.
It is nice that you want to try to get to see your mom more often. I should get up to see mine during the week, too.
A mom can never get enough of her seeing her kids!
I am with you, I hibernate during the winter, too. Can't wait to open the pool, lol!
Yep, I agree. In the winter, its usually dark or close to it by the time I pull into the driveway. Within minutes of my arrival home, the dog has been out and back in and I'm in my jammies. I have to laugh because my little granddaughter is the same way on cold blustery school days....she can't wait to get inside and into her nice warm jammies. In the summer, we aren't inside until 10 at night some nights. Get well soon. So far so good for me...but if I hear someone coughing, I go the other way to avoid them. I've been taking Vitamin C's and 5,000 units of D3 daily since my doctor said I had a Vit D deficiency and it seems to be working well.
I love that you are blogging so often. :)
I can't wait to get my jammies on every afternoon, either. I go to work everyday, run whereever needs run to after, and then I am IN. Until morning. It's a good thing I have what it takes to go to the gym before work, or I would never go. My late afternoons and evenings, I qualify as a zombie.
Happy Hump day, C!
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