Today was easy. And pleasant. Work started a half hour later for me today. 8:30. I marked my book so I had breaks while my friend Bernie's hair was processing. I got to drink a cup of real coffee while working. Cheap thrills! I went to Borders and scored a table as soon as I walked in. A table with only one chair and no one asking to sit with me. The barista remembered my drink. I read Inc. and People magazine. It was rewarding. It's the simple things I enjoy the best. I met my sister at Jalapenos, the restaurant in Annapolis that I love, the one with $5 tapas/appetizers during the Mon.-Saturday happy hour. Tonight we had Guacamole "Oaxaca" and Chorizo Cantimpalo. Both were fantastic. I'm working my way through the menu. I've had 11 tapas in 4 visits. I plan to make my way though the entire happy hour menu. Check out their menu and let me know if you'd care to join me. I'm up for next Saturday. That is, if you're in the neighborhood.
I've been watching some DVR'd shows, sitting on the couch with my blankie. Might sound boring to you, but I'm pretty happy. And that's my Saturday. I don't know what tomorrow will hold, or the next day. Which day the other shoe will drop. Which day will hold another crisis with my parents. So, days like these with simple pleasures? I'm so thankful for them.
Another morning for walking just like yesterday.
Started out dark, 30 degrees, clear and the came the sun toward the end.
Sunrise 7:34
Finished reading Th...
6 hours ago
I wish I were in the area so we could check out the menu and have a friendly chat. Whomever you end up with next Saturday enjoy!
I'm glad you made time for you during your day. It makes for a much more relaxed and energized you!
The simple pleasures are the very best ones. Enjoy yours.
Blessings and hugs :-) Really!!
I wish I could be there for dinner on Sat, too. Even better, I wish it could be all of us..LeeAnn, you, me, whomever else wanted to/could be there. Wouldn't that be a great time?
You know, the very definition of maturity for me is finding ways to be happy while in the midst of waiting for those damned shoes to fall. Sometimes in our lives that is the most we can hope/ask for.
Hugs, friend. :)
The simple pleasures are so much sweeter after a crisis.
Your day sounded lovely.
An ideal Saturday. Your blankie and a book are wonderful friends on a quiet afternoon/evenig.
I wish I could join your on Saturday. It would be fun to spend time talking in person.
Do you often get to affect your book so that you can have breaks? I think, if you can, that would be wonderful! And no, the quiet, sitting with your blankie, watching movies does not sound boring...
Kathy...I can always schedule breaks, but when I don't work, I don't have income coming in. So, I'm very selective.
The simple pleasures are what make every day a happy day. :-)
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